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Drawing up a Title Certificate

When selling a vehicle or its numbered unit, a title certificate must be drawn up in the Trade register.

The title certificate shall be drawn up at the point of sale in the room intended for customer service by printing out data from the trade register.

An title certificate that has not been drawn up in accordance with the legal requirements is not valid for the registration of a vehicle or numbered unit in the CSDD.

When drawing up the title certificate, the data on the vehicle or numbered unit are obtained from the trade register. In addition, the name, surname, personal identification code (for foreigners only the date of birth, if no personal identification number has been assigned to him / her) and the place of residence or name, registration number and address of the legal person shall be indicated in the trade register (Title certificate).

If the acquirer of the vehicle is a foreign natural or legal person who does not have a permanent residence (location) in Latvia, the address must not be indicated, but a notation "Foreign" must be made. If the title certificate is issued to a natural person, the series and number of the identity document presented by the acquirer must also be indicated in the trade register.

When drawing up the title certificate, a note must be made in the State Register of Vehicles and their Drivers regarding the transfer of ownership of the vehicle to the transferee.

If the vehicle or a numbered unit is purchased of the behalf of the acquirer by his representative, in the trade register additionally to the acquirer’s data, the date of the representative must be indicated, name surname personal identity number the series and number of the identification document as well as the date of issue and number of power of attorney that certifies the right to act on the behalf of the acquirer, except the cases when the merchant has ascertained the right of the representative of the acquirer to act on behalf of the acquirer from the information in the Register of Enterprises available to the merchant.    

The title certificate must indicate the documents issued together with the title certificate to the acquirer.

Representative of a merchant - a person who issues a title certificate must certify it with a signature.